An SL's Couple's blog :)

Happy New Year and Knee…

First of all, happy birthday to all our readers!

Second of all I have a bit of explaining to do, mainly on the reason that I haven’t been able to DJ lately. I’m currently suffering and recuperating from minor surgery to my left knee. I’ve had troubles with this knee since last summer, late August my knee decided to lock up on me… apparently I ripped a bit of my meniscus and a flap of it needed removing. The surgery itself is very minor: two tiny holes (one for the camera and one for the tools), one stitch per hole. Painful yes, invasive no. Anyway, from what I’m feeling now the knee is holding up, but after a week it’s still a bit hard to walk on. That combined with my legal high… drugs, makes it pretty much hard to DJ within a regular schedule. I do end up in SL from time to time (whenever I’m not knocked out by the pills, or resting on my sofa). Rest assured I’ll be back soon enough!

Kind regards,


some fun with photos…

A litte fun taking photographs… the results look good to my eye at least.

The pics came to be while we were planning a party to show off our new house. The idea was Bond, James Bond. The results: below 🙂

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We got the redecorating bug again… and this time we opted to go back to a more modern abode.

Lots of rooms to fill in this frankly HUGE house. so it’s into our inventories to find fitting furniture, art, and the occasional bit and bob to decorate. Things are moving along at a steady pace, with finding the perfect stuff like some very nice vintage posters, some homemade pop art and also some familiar stuff getting fitted in.

One huge thank you I’d like to send out to Karm for sending us the perfect decorating things from her shop!

Photos will follow soon, but here’s a few teasers 🙂

Karm's stuff - dining room 2 - DOF Karm's stuff - dining room Karm's stuff - piano room 2 Karm's stuff - piano room 3 DOF Karm's stuff - piano room

I feel rather bad about things to be honest. Real life has rather taken over these past few months, and not just because of a little person whose arrival in 2011 changed everything. But because of work, general life and actually because of some rather bad luck and being ill on and off for what seems like months.

Well, its now the new year “YAY!” and it is my pledge to try and do things differently. I’m going to be online regularly, (or more regularly) and structure my week so everything fits into it. Neat and tidy. Will it happen? I’ve no idea, but I am going to give it my best shot and with that best shot, writing the occasional blog post is also something I’m going to try and do.

Before Christmas and the start of 2013, we decided to go out and do something different with one my rare evenings online and we ended up going ice skating. I took pictures with the intention of writing a blog post, and well, it never really happened and now its a little late and the moment has passed – maybe. But, here are our winter wonderland, ice skating pictures.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Ice Skating

Happy New Year!

Let me start this post off with wishing you all a happy new year, bringing you joy and pleasure in all your endeavours!

A little follow-up on my last post: I’m glad to say BluJnz Blues is back! Make sure you visit this nice blues porch – not a club! – next time you log into Second Life!

And then some other news, I’ve finally done it: I played live in SL! I’m trying to figure out how to share the recording of it, so keep an eye out for that on this blog! A very strange thing happened as well right after the gig: I was asked to perform on a fundraising show for Doctors Without Borders in February. Very exciting, and I’ve agreed if they can keep this within my time table. More on that soon!

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